Ionisationsmelder sind leicht radioaktive Quellen. hpm entsorgt nach Strahlenschutzgesetz und ElektroG.

Ionisation smoke detector

Dispose of ionisation smoke detectors safely and professionally

Ionisation smoke detectors (in short: I-detectors) are smoke detectors which contain a small amount of a radioactive substance such as americium, radium or krypton. The disposal and transport process requires compliance with the Radiation Protection Act and the Dangerous Goods Ordinance. The handling of radioactive sources also requires a handling permit.


The Radiation Protection Act (StrlSchG) of the Federal Republic of Germany transposes Directive 2013/59/Euratom into national law. It contains provisions for the protection of people and, as far as the long-term protection of human health is concerned, for the protection of the environment from the harmful effects of ionising radiation. With this law, the Federal German Radiation Protection Act, which was previously based on the Atomic Energy Act and the Precautionary Radiation Protection Act, is given an independent and uniform basis. As a result, regulations which were previously contained in the Radiation Protection Ordinance and the X-Ray Ordinance will be merged. Numerous guidelines are updated and adapted to the state of scientific progress.


Our customers like to make use of our personal, free advice. From the handling permit to the legally compliant transport of radioactive sources - we take care of all the obligations related to disposal.

Mark Sommerfeld & Norbert Buchwald, Radiation Protection Officers | hpm

Disposal is a matter of trust

Since the year 2000, we have established ourselves in the market for the disposal of I-detectors. In addition to manufacturers, over 800 other companies such as installation companies, planning and engineering offices as well as waste disposal companies use the services of our trained radiation protection experts. Our customers rely on the officially monitored processes in our facility for the treatment of low-level radioactive sources.

We also take over your optical smoke detectors and other low-level radioactive sources from product areas such as medical and measurement technology. If you place an order, you will receive all important and necessary documents, such as transport documents, directly from us. We organise the transport for you and send you the proof of disposal after the disposal.

Rely on us.

Your contact
Zertifizierte Entsorgung von Elektroschrott & Ionisationsrauchmeldern. Mark Sommerfeld ist unser Fachmann.
Mark Sommerfeld
Radiation Protection Commissioner

+49 541 40898-133

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